1. Cover (IHCT-BANDUNG Logo, Address, Phone number, WA number, Website, Email address, Social media account)
2. Hotel picture (Logo, Address, Phone number, Email address, Social media account)
3. Hotel History
4. Organization Chart of ………(Name of The Hotel)
5. (Name of the hotel) ….. Overall Facilities (both indoor and outdoor)
6. (Name of the hotel) ….. Nearby Facilities or Interest
7. F&B Department Definiton
8. F&B Department Outlets (Banquet/meeting rooms, Room Service, Restaurants, Bars, Lounge etc.)
9. Specific F&B Service Outlet
a. Restaurant Concept
b. Business Hour
c. Seating Capacities
d. Working Hour
e. Mise en Place
f. Table Setup
g. Buffet Setup
h. Breakfast S.O.P.
i. A’la Carte S.O.P.
j. Signature Food and Drink (Presentations & Price)
k. Complains and How to Handle
l. Troubles and How to Solve
m. Restaurant Promotion
10. Relationship Restaurant with other Department
11. Additional Pictures and Videos (during working and other activities related with OJT)
12. Closing Slide
1. Cover (IHCT-BANDUNG Logo, Address, Phone number, WA number, Website, Email address, Social media account)
2. Hotel picture (Logo, Address, Phone number, Email address, Social media account)
3. Hotel History
4. Organization Chart of The Hotel
5. Hotel Overall Facilities
6. Nearby Hotel Facilities or Interest
7. Kitchen Department Definition
8. Kitchen Sections
9. Specific Kitchen Section
a. Job Description/ Task
b. Working Hour
c. Mise en Place :
1) Preparation
2) Cutting Methods
3) Cooking Methods
4) Equipments Used
10. Signature Dish (Min. 8)
a. Ingredients
b. How to Cook
c. Food Presentation
11. Buffet Set Up
a. Appetizer
b. Soup Station
c. Bread Station
d. Main Dishes
e. Dessert Station
f. Live Cooking
12. Troubles and How to Solve
13. Relationship between Kitchen with other Department
14. Additional Pictures and Videos (during working and other activities related with OJT)
15. Closing Slide
1. Cover (IHCT-BANDUNG Logo, Address, Phone number, WA number, Website, Email address, Social media account)
2. Hotel picture (Logo, Address, Phone number, Email address, Social media account)
3. Hotel History
4. Organization Chart of:
a. Hotel : General Manager & Head of Departement
b. Housekeeping Dept. : Executive Housekeeper & Housekeeping Supervisor
5. Hotel Facilities (Picture & Explanation)
a. Lobby, pool, sport facilities, parking area & spa
b. FB facilities (Function, Capacities, Operational Time & Location)
c. HK facilities (Total Rooms, types of room, size, amenities & equipment)
6. Departement Description
a. HK Definition
b. HK Sections
7. Working Explanation
a. S.O.P. according to recently/ mostly in charge
b. Job Description
c. Activity/project RS/ PA/ LAUNDRY
d. Tools & chemical in use
e. Working relation with department which had coordination along working time
8. Problem & Solution during Working time
9. Additional Pictures for :
a. HK form
b. Trolley & Amenities setup
c. HK operational machines
d. Cleaning activities during working time (minimum 2 pictures)
10. One short video regarding cleaning activities ( describing tools, chemicals and process in English, with duration max 3 minutes)
11. Suggestion for operational hotel
12. Closing slide
1. Cover (IHCT-BANDUNG Logo, Address, Phone number, WA number, Website, Email address, Social media account)
2. Hotel picture (Logo, Address, Phone number, Email address, Social media account) and Address
3. Hotel History
4. Organization Chart of …… (Name of The Hotel)
5. (Name of the hotel) ….. Overall Facilities (both indoor and outdoor)
6. Nearby …. (Name of the hotel) Facilities or Interest
7. Front office Department Organization Chart
8. Front Office Definiton
9. Front Office Department Sections
a. Job descriptions each section
b. Working Hours
c. Mise en Place
d. S.O.P. Check in
e. S.O.P. Check out
f. Telephone Courtesy
h. Handling Reservations
i. Handling Complains
j. Troubles and How to Solve
10. Relationship Front Office with other Department
11. Additional Pictures and Videos (during working and other activities related with OJT)
12. Closing Slides
Persyaratan untuk mengikuti sidang, yaitu :
- Menyelesaikan Bimbingan;
- Melunasi Biaya Pelepasan (Sebesar Rp. 1.750.000);
- Mengumpulkan Buku Perhotelan per orang 2 pcs;
- Mengisi Review / Ulasan di Google dengan mencantumkan photo diri menggunakan seragam kampus atau seragam hotel;
- Mengumpulkan Sertifikat Hotel Job Training (Apabila sudah ada dari Hotel).
Memakai :
Rompi, Dasi, Nametag IHCT dan Jas hitam
Laki – Laki : Celana Bahan hitam & Sepatu pantofel hitam + kaos kaki hitam
Perempuan : Kerudung Putih, Rok hitam panjang / pendek dibawah lutut hitam & Sepatu pantofel hitam + kaos kaki hitam
Mempersiapkan :
1. Laporan yang sudah selesai pada saat bimbingan
2. Laptop