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Clean Friday Activities
Clean Friday Activities
Clean Friday Activities
Clean Friday Activities
Clean Friday Activities
Life Skills Activities
Life Skills Activities
Life Skills Activities
Life Skills Activities
Culinary Practices
Culinary Practices
Culinary Practices
Food and Beverage Service Practice Exam
Food and Beverage Service Practice Exam
Food and Beverage Service Practice Exam
Marching Orders (UN) Rules
Marching Orders (UN) Rules
Marching Orders (UN) Rules
Marching Orders (UN) Rules
Housekeeping Practices
Housekeeping Practices
Housekeeping Practices
Socialization of the Dangers of Drugs (NAPZA)
Socialization of the Dangers of Drugs (NAPZA)
Socialization of the Dangers of Drugs (NAPZA)
Socialization of the Dangers of Drugs (NAPZA)
Socialization of the Dangers of Drugs (NAPZA)
Table Manners
Table Manners
Table Manners
Campus Program Activities
As an institutional step and effort in forming students into hospitality people who have adequate knowledge and professionalism, we take educational steps with various activities that refer to the norms of idealism, spirituality, morals and religion by implementing programs that contain spiritual content so as to produce prospective candidates. workers whose brains are intelligent, physically healthy, skilled with their hands and who are exemplary in their behavior.
Opportunities for job training and work abroad are always open to students who want to achieve them with persistence and hard work. We facilitate a pre-screening program and sharing meetings with alumni.
Pre-Interview, Training Candidate in Malaysia
Pre-Interview, Training Candidate in Malaysia
Pre-Interview, Training Candidate in Malaysia
Sharing Experiences with Alumni
Sharing Experiences with Alumni
Sharing Experiences with Alumni
Sharing Experiences with Alumni
Hotel Tour, Hilton Hotel, Bandung
Hotel Tour, Hilton Hotel, Bandung
Hotel Tour, Hilton Hotel, Bandung
Hotel Tour, Hilton Hotel, Bandung
Study Tour
to the World of Business and Work Industry (IDUKA)
Synergizing academic knowledge and skill abilities with knowledge and skill abilities according to the business and work industry is an important point to strengthen and upgrade students’ capacity to become competent and professional hospitality people.
Hotel Monitoring
Domestic Hotels and Overseas Hotels
As an effort to produce competent graduates, we collaborate with industry, to align learning activities, so as to produce graduates who are suited to the needs of the business and work industry.
Monitoring, The Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung
Monitoring, The Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung
Monitoring, Hilton, Bandung
Monitoring, Hilton, Bandung
Monitoring, Four Points by Sheraton, Bandung
Monitoring, Four Points by Sheraton, Bandung
Monitoring, Pullman Hotel, Bandung
Monitoring, Pullman Hotel, Bandung
Monitoring, Sama sama Hotel, Malaysia
Monitoring, Sama sama Hotel, Malaysia
International Hotel and Cruise ship Training – Bandung
Our Alumni
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IHCT – Bandung, the closest partner for the younger generation who want to work in domestic and overseas hotels and cruise ships since 1997.
IHCT – Bandung
Pajagalan Street No. 165 Banjaran, District. Banjaran, Kab. Bandung 40377, West Java Indonesia
[edm_scrolling_text scrolling_text=”IHCT – Bandung | International Hotel and Cruise ship Training – Bandung | %22Discipline and Hardworking Lead You to Success%22 | #studyforwork” scrolling_speed=”9100″ _builder_version=”4.21.2″ _module_preset=”default” header_text_color=”#F0B800″ header_font_size=”24px” header_letter_spacing=”1px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/edm_scrolling_text]